Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This was Leila's blog project during our trip to Samoa in 2008. We haven't updated since then, life just takes over... we've even added 1 more sweetie, Lupe, since then. One of these days we'll get back here and add new pics and posts of our adventures with 4 Samoan Sweeties. Until then, enjoy these pics of the love girls exploring a beautiful island and culture. I'm sure will find ourselves there again soon :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We've enjoyed our trip to Samoa!

Hope inspecting her ocean treasures
Leila, Hope & Hina

Leila & Hope at the government building with Wyland mural.

Hina taking a lil nap.

Dave & his Samoan Sweeties

Fine Mats

We spent some time watching ladies weave fine mats. The fine mats are an important part of the Samoan culture.

Waterfalls & Sunsets

Samoa is the best!!! I love it in Samoa! Me and my family went for a ride and we saw a waterfall!! It was falling so fast you could hardly see it. And we saw the most beautiful sunset reflecting from the sea it looked like a school of colorful fish red, orange, purple, and blue. It was spectacular! And on a rock was a lonely palm tree in the middle of the sea.

Singing in the Rain

We had planned to go camping at my Nana's family's village called Malota, but it started to rain. And it rained all day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that!! We played in the rain and got wet!

On another day, we were locked out of our house! But I had to climb in the bathroom window! It hurt alot! I cut my thumb and I scraped my arm and belly. And the window was tttttiiiiiinnnnnyyyyy!!!! I did not like it. But my mom said I was the hero of the day and I got a treat. My treat was a popsicle, the flavor was pineapple lime. It was yummy!

Lots of Green & Mosquitos

Leila Writes:

I'm in Samoa! I love it here! There is a lot of green here. The trees are green, the bushes are green. Pretty much everything is green here. I had to take medicine because some mosquitos, when they bite you, you could get sick. But the medicine that I took is so that people don't spread the sickness.

Coconut on the Road

Leila writes:

I like it in Samoa. When me and my Dad went to the store, there was a coconut in the middle of the road!!! They don't have stores like we do in Utah. But they have a store that is like Costco, it's called Cost U Less. My cousins live in Samoa and my Grandparents live in Samoa. I love it in Samoa. David taught the girls how to husk a coconut. He also has to keep reminding them.. NOT to play under the coconut trees... beware, falling coconuts!